P.O. BOX 53
IRONS, MI 49644
P.O. BOX 53
IRONS, MI 49644
P.O. BOX 53
IRONS, MI 49644
Section 1. This organization shall be known as the Harper Lake Association, Inc., a non-profit corporation of Elk Township, Lake County, Michigan.
Section 2. The fiscal year of this Association shall be the calendar year, January 1st to December 31st.
Section 1. The purpose of this Association is to maintain, protect, and enhance the quality of the lake and its surroundings for the collective interests of the members.
Section 2. This Association shall promote the education of the Harper Lake property owners and other lake users about water quality and water safe- through the use of newsletters, special notices, signs and other visual aid materials.
Section 3. This Association shall work with the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), and State and Local law enforcement officers regarding lake management, boating and fishing regulations, and with the State, County, and Township Boards regarding building codes, restrictions and regulations.
Section 1. All lake front property owners and/or owners of property with plat-designated lake access areas are eligible for membership. Applications for other memberships may be considered on an individual basis. The Board of Directors shall have the sole discretion to accept or reject an application whenever appropriate.
Section 2. Each member must be current in his or her annual dues.
Section 3. Each member shall be notified in writing or electronically at the last address supplied by the member to the Association of all meetings, date, time, place, and purpose of meeting and other Association communications as needed.
Section 4. Membership is terminated upon sale of the property and is not transferable.
Section 5. The membership year is from January I through December 31 of each calendar year.
Section 1. The Association shall conduct two (2) general meetings each year.
a) May date shall be set at the Labor Day meeting.
b) A Labor Day weekend date shall be set at the May meeting
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall meet at least four times each year.
Section 3. The Board of Directors shall determine the agenda of the general Meetings.
Section 4. The Board of Directors shall be empowered to call special meetings.
Section 5. Notice of all membership meetings shall be as follows:
a) Notice of date, time, and place.
b) Notification to be sent by mail to all members postmarked a minimum of ten (10) days prior to the meeting.
Section 6. Robert's Rules of Order shall be referenced in conducting meetings.
Section I. Nominees for Board of Directors shall be members of Harper Lake Association prior to Board membership and officer eligibility.
Section 2. The Board of Directors of the Association shall consist of eight Directors.
a) Each year the Association shall elect from its members at the August meeting four (4) Directors to serve on the Board for a term of two years following procedures of Article VII.
b) If elected, a Director may serve for four consecutive two-year terms. One calendar year shall pass before his/her name may be placed on the ballot for re-election .
c) Terms shall expire after the annual meeting (August) or upon the election of new officers.
Section 3. Within thirty (30) days following the election, the Board of Directors shall meet for the purpose of electing the officers of the Association to include President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
a) The office of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by the same person.
b) The office of Treasurer and Vice-President may be held by the same person.
c) The nominating committee shall consist of the Vice-President as chair and two other members of the Board of Directors.
Section 4. The Board of Directors shall have authority over the activities and assets of the Association, subject to directives of annual and special meetings and By-laws.
Section 5. The Board of Directors has the authority to appoint and dismiss standing and/or social committees.
Section 6. Any director who misses two consecutive Board meetings without cause may, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, be removed from office. Any vacancy may be filled for the remainder of the term by the affirmative vote of a majority of Directors.
Section I. President
a) Shall preside at all general/special meetings and Board of Directors' Meetings.
b) Shall represent the Association in all dealings with outside organizations or agencies, or shall send his/her designee.
c) Shall report on all active standing committees at the Spring and Fall meetings, having received committee reports prior to these meetings.
d) Shall vote only to break a tie vote.
Section 2. Vice-President
a) Shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President during the absence or disability of the President.
b) Shall chair the nominating committee.
c) Shall prepare the Association newsletter, or solicit an editor to carry out this task.
Section 3. Secretary
a) Shall record and maintain the names and terms of members of the Board of Directors, and all legal documents of HLA, Inc.
b) Shall keep the minutes of all meetings.
c) Shall maintain a current record of names and addresses of property owners, including members, and shall send notices of all meetings.
d) Shall arrange for new property owners to receive appropriate lake Association information, or solicit a member to carry out this task.
Section 4. Treasurer
a) Shall maintain the financial records of this Association.
b) Shall collect dues and keep membership list current, and shall update membership list as needed for the Secretary.
c) Shall deposit all moneys, securities and other valuable effects in the name of the Association in such depositories as may be designated for that purpose by the Board of directors.
d) Shall disburse the funds of the Association as may be ordered by the Board, maintaining receipts for such disbursements. In the absence of the Treasurer, the President, upon notification, shall conduct the financial business of the Association.
e) Shall render to the membership at the bi-annual meetings Association, and whenever requested by the Board of Directors, a written account of all financial transactions.
f) Shall provide records for an annual financial review by two members of the Board of Directors between the spring and the fall meetings.
Section 5. Multiple Office Holding
a) The same person may hold the offices of Secretary Treasurer or the offices of Vice-president and Treasurer.
Section 6. Compensation
a) Directors shall not be compensated for their time and effort.
Section I. Each member shall be entitled to vote upon each question properly presented at any meeting of the members of the Association. Voting qualifications are as follows:
a) Ownership of property shall be entitled to only one vote.
b) Joint tenants shall have one vote.
c) Property jointly held by multiple owners shall be entitled to One vote.
d) Ownership of multiple properties with multiple memberships shall be entitled to one vote.
Section 2. Members may vote by voice vote, roll call vote, show of hands, proxy, or mail-in ballot. In the absence of a voting member, a signed proxy filed with the Secretary may exercise voting privilege.
Section 3. A majority of votes cast shall be required to pass an order of business at all HLA Inc. meetings.
Section 4. A majority of the Board members, which shall constitute a quorum, is necessary to vote on all matters brought before the Board of Directors.
Section 5. Requests of funding for special projects may be made only by a majority of those members voting at a regular/special meeting of the Association.
Section I. Annual dues are $45 payable by January 30 of each year (effective Jan 2021).
Section II Dues may be increased/decreased only by vote of those members at a general meeting, after prior notification in writing. (See Article VII, Section 2, and Article IX, Section 1.)
Section I. These By-laws may be amended by a majority of those members voting by ballot at a general/special meeting. Notice of the amendments shall be distributed in advance to members prior to the meeting. (See Article VII, Section 2.)
Section 2. The By-laws of this Association shall be reviewed from time to time, not to exceed five years, as deemed advisable by the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors shall review and secure for the benefit of the Association Members, General Liability insurance and Directors and Officers/Errors and Omission insurance as an expense of the association.
BY-LAWS amended by a majority of those members voting and in attendance at the spring meeting of the Association on June 26, 2020, notice of the amendment having been given in advance of the meeting
P.O. BOX 53
IRONS, MI 49644
Section 1. This organization shall be known as the Harper Lake Association, Inc., a non-profit corporation of Elk Township, Lake County, Michigan.
Section 2. The fiscal year of this Association shall be the calendar year, January 1st to December 31st.
Section 1. The purpose of this Association is to maintain, protect, and enhance the quality of the lake and its surroundings for the collective interests of the members.
Section 2. This Association shall promote the education of the Harper Lake property owners and other lake users about water quality and water safe- through the use of newsletters, special notices, signs and other visual aid materials.
Section 3. This Association shall work with the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), and State and Local law enforcement officers regarding lake management, boating and fishing regulations, and with the State, County, and Township Boards regarding building codes, restrictions and regulations.
Section 1. All lake front property owners and/or owners of property with plat-designated lake access areas are eligible for membership. Applications for other memberships may be considered on an individual basis. The Board of Directors shall have the sole discretion to accept or reject an application whenever appropriate.
Section 2. Each member must be current in his or her annual dues.
Section 3. Each member shall be notified in writing or electronically at the last address supplied by the member to the Association of all meetings, date, time, place, and purpose of meeting and other Association communications as needed.
Section 4. Membership is terminated upon sale of the property and is not transferable.
Section 5. The membership year is from January I through December 31 of each calendar year.
Section 1. The Association shall conduct two (2) general meetings each year.
a) May date shall be set at the Labor Day meeting.
b) A Labor Day weekend date shall be set at the May meeting
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall meet at least four times each year.
Section 3. The Board of Directors shall determine the agenda of the general Meetings.
Section 4. The Board of Directors shall be empowered to call special meetings.
Section 5. Notice of all membership meetings shall be as follows:
a) Notice of date, time, and place.
b) Notification to be sent by mail to all members postmarked a minimum of ten (10) days prior to the meeting.
Section 6. Robert's Rules of Order shall be referenced in conducting meetings.
Section I. Nominees for Board of Directors shall be members of Harper Lake Association prior to Board membership and officer eligibility.
Section 2. The Board of Directors of the Association shall consist of eight Directors.
a) Each year the Association shall elect from its members at the August meeting four (4) Directors to serve on the Board for a term of two years following procedures of Article VII.
b) If elected, a Director may serve for four consecutive two-year terms. One calendar year shall pass before his/her name may be placed on the ballot for re-election .
c) Terms shall expire after the annual meeting (August) or upon the election of new officers.
Section 3. Within thirty (30) days following the election, the Board of Directors shall meet for the purpose of electing the officers of the Association to include President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
a) The office of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by the same person.
b) The office of Treasurer and Vice-President may be held by the same person.
c) The nominating committee shall consist of the Vice-President as chair and two other members of the Board of Directors.
Section 4. The Board of Directors shall have authority over the activities and assets of the Association, subject to directives of annual and special meetings and By-laws.
Section 5. The Board of Directors has the authority to appoint and dismiss standing and/or social committees.
Section 6. Any director who misses two consecutive Board meetings without cause may, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, be removed from office. Any vacancy may be filled for the remainder of the term by the affirmative vote of a majority of Directors.
Section I. President
a) Shall preside at all general/special meetings and Board of Directors' Meetings.
b) Shall represent the Association in all dealings with outside organizations or agencies, or shall send his/her designee.
c) Shall report on all active standing committees at the Spring and Fall meetings, having received committee reports prior to these meetings.
d) Shall vote only to break a tie vote.
Section 2. Vice-President
a) Shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President during the absence or disability of the President.
b) Shall chair the nominating committee.
c) Shall prepare the Association newsletter, or solicit an editor to carry out this task.
Section 3. Secretary
a) Shall record and maintain the names and terms of members of the Board of Directors, and all legal documents of HLA, Inc.
b) Shall keep the minutes of all meetings.
c) Shall maintain a current record of names and addresses of property owners, including members, and shall send notices of all meetings.
d) Shall arrange for new property owners to receive appropriate lake Association information, or solicit a member to carry out this task.
Section 4. Treasurer
a) Shall maintain the financial records of this Association.
b) Shall collect dues and keep membership list current, and shall update membership list as needed for the Secretary.
c) Shall deposit all moneys, securities and other valuable effects in the name of the Association in such depositories as may be designated for that purpose by the Board of directors.
d) Shall disburse the funds of the Association as may be ordered by the Board, maintaining receipts for such disbursements. In the absence of the Treasurer, the President, upon notification, shall conduct the financial business of the Association.
e) Shall render to the membership at the bi-annual meetings Association, and whenever requested by the Board of Directors, a written account of all financial transactions.
f) Shall provide records for an annual financial review by two members of the Board of Directors between the spring and the fall meetings.
Section 5. Multiple Office Holding
a) The same person may hold the offices of Secretary Treasurer or the offices of Vice-president and Treasurer.
Section 6. Compensation
a) Directors shall not be compensated for their time and effort.
Section I. Each member shall be entitled to vote upon each question properly presented at any meeting of the members of the Association. Voting qualifications are as follows:
a) Ownership of property shall be entitled to only one vote.
b) Joint tenants shall have one vote.
c) Property jointly held by multiple owners shall be entitled to One vote.
d) Ownership of multiple properties with multiple memberships shall be entitled to one vote.
Section 2. Members may vote by voice vote, roll call vote, show of hands, proxy, or mail-in ballot. In the absence of a voting member, a signed proxy filed with the Secretary may exercise voting privilege.
Section 3. A majority of votes cast shall be required to pass an order of business at all HLA Inc. meetings.
Section 4. A majority of the Board members, which shall constitute a quorum, is necessary to vote on all matters brought before the Board of Directors.
Section 5. Requests of funding for special projects may be made only by a majority of those members voting at a regular/special meeting of the Association.
Section I. Annual dues are $45 payable by January 30 of each year (effective Jan 2021).
Section II Dues may be increased/decreased only by vote of those members at a general meeting, after prior notification in writing. (See Article VII, Section 2, and Article IX, Section 1.)
Section I. These By-laws may be amended by a majority of those members voting by ballot at a general/special meeting. Notice of the amendments shall be distributed in advance to members prior to the meeting. (See Article VII, Section 2.)
Section 2. The By-laws of this Association shall be reviewed from time to time, not to exceed five years, as deemed advisable by the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors shall review and secure for the benefit of the Association Members, General Liability insurance and Directors and Officers/Errors and Omission insurance as an expense of the association.
BY-LAWS amended by a majority of those members voting and in attendance at the spring meeting of the Association on June 26, 2020, notice of the amendment having been given in advance of the meeting